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  使用“2009年中国社会网络与职业经历调查”广州、上海、厦门、济南和西安5城市数据,检验了改革以后影响中国城市劳动者职业流动模式以及经济地位获得的因素。研究结果表明,高学历劳动者与低学历劳动者群体处于两个分割的劳动力市场中,他们的经济地位获得路径完全不同。对于低学历劳动者,职业流动是提升他们收入水平的最重要因素,而人力资本因素(受教育年限和工作经验)对他们的收入没有影响。高学历劳动者的情况刚好相反,职业流动对收入获得没有任何作用,影响他们收入分层的最重要因素是人力资本。本研究揭示了转型期中国城市地区不同劳动力市场劳动者经济地位获得的二元路径模式。 (《中国社会科学》2011年第1期)
  Using data from the “Survey of Social Networks and Occupational Experience in Chinese Cities in 2009” on five cities (Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen, Jinan and Xian), this paper examines factors influencing Chinese urban workers patterns of job mobility and acquisition of economic status in the postreform era. The results show that workers with more or less education are in different parts of a segmented labor market and have completely different paths to economic status acquisition. For poorly educated workers, job mobility is one of the most important factors in improving their income; human capital variables (years of schooling and work experience) have no effect on income. By contrast, job mobility has no effect on the income of highlyeducated workers, whose income stratification is most affected by human capital. This research reveals the twotrack model of the urban workers acquisition of economic status in different labor markets in transitional China.